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Capital Campaigns

A capital campaign is a one-time fundraising initiative over a long time span. Its purpose is to raise significant funds for the specific purpose of building a building, undertaking a major building renovation or
expansion, or purchasing a major piece of necessary equipment.

Capital Campaigns are the most effective way to raise large amounts of money over a relatively short period of time. But about eight out of every 10 campaigns stumble and two of those fail for want of an accurate Feasibility Study. But there's more to that study than just money. With campaign successes ranging from $500,000 to $13 million, you can trust our work from Vision to Victory!

Preparation is the key to Capital Campaign success. While the steps may vary from one institution to the next, these four phases of preparation should each be a part of your campaign:

A Readiness Assessment may require up to two months to complete. It focuses on these elements:

1. Identifying needs, including campaign counsel;
2. Targeting a preliminary dollar-range goal;
3. Reviewing institutional readiness;
4. Specifying operation and timeline strategies;
5. Articulating the requirements for campaign leadership;
6. Creating a preliminary budget and plan.

Your should include an evaluation of the readiness of your organization to conduct a successful fundraising campaign.

is a crucial element of the campaign whether it stands alone or is integrated into the Readiness Assessment.

Although there are several approaches to this study, the most common involves individual interviews with your key constituents to test the assumptions of the preliminary case and identify campaign leadership and significant gifts. (More about Feasibility Studies)

Affinity Resources prepares and presents a full report at the end of this phase.

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